Karungi Anna
2 min readOct 26, 2020


In August 2017, I enrolled for a Bachelor’s of Science in Information technology and that is how my programming journey began. Though, this had been a dream of mine since 2013 and I remember talking to mom about it after seeing a poster with a list of various courses while on our way home from church one Sunday morning. I pointed at the Information technology course and expressed to her how much I would love to pursue it at university. Due to the fact that I was still in O’level and had three more years in high school, she had a feeling that I might change my mind. After my A’level exam results were released, I was so overjoyed that I was about to launch my career in tech. While at campus, I had no prior coding knowledge but I always had the urge to learn and practice so that I could be better at it like some of my colleagues. I was introduced to various programming languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, and Android among others. I was able to design interfaces and a website as well and the more I practiced, the more I became passionate about it. I recently sat for my final year exams and realized that I now had a lot of time on my hands and this drove me to think about adding on to the skills that I have. Luckily, someone recommended me to register for the PyLadies data science sprint. I did register and was able to join PyLadies kampala for the sprint that began on 24th October, 2020 in order to start my journey in data science. My aspirations from the program are to grasp python programming language, acquiring the basics of being a data analyst and understanding machine learning in more depth. My expectations from the program include; learning python language and learning how to use various software like pandas to carry out data analysis, manipulation and visualization among others, to gain skills of a data analyst and using my programming skills to transition into more developer roles. A career in data science would mean a lot to me because it is well paying and then I get to exhibit various skills such as data visualization, data cleaning among others.

